Blog Real Letters

Real Letters: Cyborg robot squirrels

Sent March 1 2014. Time travelled over 6 years.

Published May 1st, 2022

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Dear FutureMe,

You're 26 today, congratulations. I am not doin to hot right now but all I can think about is you. The hardship I endure today is for you. The day when I finally know what my calling is and act upon it. I hope you are still working with children, I hope Jeremy is happy, and I bet Julianna is the prettiest 14 year old on the face of the planet. And I bet you have a really hot guy in your life and if you just groaned at that sentence our prince is probably lost somewhere, but he'll find us. But there are two things that I want done by the time I'm your age and if you got sidetracked by reality, just do these for me:1: Deliver The Letter. I know the date inside says 2013 but it needs to get to it's owner. I don't care where he is right now.2: Please tell me you traveled. Now I know you so well that I am betting that if I didn't do it you winced and then was filled with regret and then you will try to rationalize not going with something like "But you don't understand little Jenna, I have bills (and probably college loans to pay off)!" Yea, that's not flying. Just do it. Go to Scotland. See a castle. Check out them fairy pools on the Isle of Skye. Geek out at the Sherlock Holmes museum. Recite Sonnet 116 at the Globe Theater. Geek out again at the Doctor Who museum. Do it for me and all the hard days I'm spending dreaming of the day I don't live at home anymore.

Or maybe I never figured out what I want to do with my life. Maybe God has thrown a boomerang at my life and I haven't recovered (very likely). Maybe I'm living in the basement. Maybe I have no money. Maybe the entire world has been taken over by cyborg robot squirrels. Maybe I'm dead. Maybe I died in the service of my country defeating the last infantry of the cyborg robot squirrels on the lawn of the White House dying heroically by sacrificing myself to take out the last evil squirrel with their blinking evil red cyborg eyes knowing that without taking out that last squirrel that that one squirrel would immediately make 12,000 more of the demons and that it was my sacrifice alone that brought them down. Maybe the nation erects a monument in my name for my epic sacrifice. Maybe I sell that idea to Disney and Cyborg Robot Squirrels becomes the blockbuster film in 2020 that teaches not just honor and bravery, but also the power of friendship. Or maybe not...But hopefully I'll still like quotes...

I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again. -F. Scott Fitzgerald

EPILOGUE (written 2022):

Dear Past Me,

God, I wish I could talk to you and actually deliver this message. You were going through so much and felt so alone. I wish I could tell you how proud I am of you. You were being so strong in the face of so many obstacles in your life, but you found your way. It took a while.

Believe it or not, you study accounting in college which would have made you laugh! We graduate with two associate degrees with plans to go back and get my bachelors and possibly my master's one day. Right now, I'm in a completely different field, food labeling. It was a wild journey to get here, but all those mornings staring at the back of cereal boxes does pay off. I don't work with children anymore but it's definitely I'm fine with that.

Jeremy is happy. Happier than ever. He also finally graduated this year after 10 years!

Julianna goes by J now a days. They're insanely talented and beautiful and are constantly forging their own path.

Joy is doing some incredible things and is currently in Alaska!

You do find a prince and he is everything we could have ever hoped for. We're in love and it's better than all the novels we read. You do end up moving out and moving to a place that you've never been before but feels like home. It's the best decision I think we've ever made.

For the business you wanted me to finish:1: We delivered the letters. Every last one. In person.2: I did travel to London in 2018 and I did everything you wanted me to. Doctor Who Museum, castle, the whole lot. I hope to do more traveling and take that Scotland trip as well as some others I have plans for.

For the cyborg robot squirrel portion of this, not sure what you were thinking but you were always yourself no matter what. Even in your quirky "XD" phase. Which I can't really fault you for. This letter did deliver in a pandemic so the world was definitely more different than you could have imagined.
